Episode 146: It's Necessary To Take Legs Behind Belt!

Trzeba brać nogi za pas!

English Phonemes: “T[SZ]EH-bah brahch NOH-gee zah pahs”

Literal Translation: It’s necessary to take legs behind belt!

Elegant Translation: It’s time to take your legs behind your belt!

English Equivalent: To leg it. To take to one’s heels.

Like last week, this phrase means it’s time to run away, turn tail, and beat it. 

Sometimes, the simple advice is the best advice. Enjoy!

Trzeba = it is necessary, there is need [slang, shortened from ‘jest potrzeba żeby’]
Brać = to take [verb, infinitive]
Nogi = legs [noun, pl. f. obj. form]
Za = behind, after [preposition]
Pas = belt [noun, s. masc. obj. form]

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Julia Tutko-Balena