Episode 145: It's Necessary To Give Leg!

Trzeba dać nogę!

English Phonemes: “T[SZ]EH-bah dahch NOH-g[ę]”

Literal Translation: It’s necessary to give leg!

Elegant Translation: It’s time to give a leg!

English Equivalent: Make a run for it!

This is one way to say that it’s time to escape, to make a run for it, to hoof it, to leg it, to run away. (Next week we’ll do another phrase for the same thing!)

Sometimes, it’s the best advice you can give someone. Enjoy!

Trzeba = it is necessary, there is need [slang, shortened from ‘jest potrzeba żeby’]
Dać = to give [verb, infinitive]
Nogę = leg [noun, s. f. obj. form]

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Julia Tutko-Balena