Episode 144: He/She Pours Water!
On/Ona leje wodę!
English Phonemes: “nyeh lej VOH-d[ę]”
Literal Translation: He/She pours water!
Elegant Translation: He/She is pouring water!
English Equivalent: To waffle. To be noncommittal.
When a person speaks without substance, they water down the point, they waffle, they avoid a definitive statements, they give evasive answers to questions, this phrase is perfect to call them out on it. Best applied to politicians and writers. :-)
On/Ona = He/She [noun, masc./fem., s. subj. form]
Leje = he/she/it pours [verb, 3rd p. s., present tense]
Wodę = water [noun, f. s. obj. form]
*** If you want the “they” (plural) version of this phrase, it’s “Oni leją wodę.”
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