Episode 141: We Are Making Good Face To Bad Game!

Robimy dobrą minę do złej gry.

English Phonemes: “roh-BEE-mih DOHB-r[ą] MEE-n[ę] doh zwehy grih”

Literal Translation: We are making good face to bad game.

Elegant Translation: We are putting on a good face for a bad game.

English Equivalent: Grin and bear it.

This is a nice way to say “put on a brave face” or “grin and bear it” or even “put on a Poker face”. You can use today’s Polish saying the same way.

In terms of grammar usage, you can manipulate the verb to make it singular or speak in the third person, but I figured the “we” conjugation would be a good catch-all for the average listener, since, you can use it in the most situations, and who doesn’t like a bit of empathy?

Robimy = we are making [v., 1st person plural, present tense]
Dobrą = good [adj. f. s. obj. form]
Minę = face, facial expression [n. f. obj. form]
Do = to, for [directional preposition]
Złej = bad [adj. s. f. obj. form]
Gry = game [n. s. f. obj. form]

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Julia Tutko-Balena