Episode 140: In Alone Exactly!

W Sam Akurat!

English Phonemes: “v sahm ah-KOO-raht”

Literal Translation: In alone exactly.

Elegant Translation: Exactly right.

English Equivalent: Nailed it. 

This is a neat little way to say that you did something, or something happened, exactly and perfectly so. 

Think of the literal translation as meaning “in the one and only perfect spot!” 

The best way to think about this phrase’s usage is that you can say this in any situation you would use the word “perfectly” in English. So, you arrived home perfectly in time for dinner. Or you spiced your favorite dish perfectly. Or you delivered your prepared monologue perfectly, exactly the way you wanted. 

This sentence can stand on its own, or be part of any bigger sentence. Up to you and your comfort level.


W = in [preposition]
Sam = alone [s. masc. adj., obj. form]
Akurat = exactly [adv.]

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Julia Tutko-Balena