Episode 139: If Who Stupid, Then Until Nice!

Jak kto głupi, to aż miło!!!

English Phonemes: “yahk ktoh GWOO-pee toh ah[sz] MEE-woh”

Literal Translation: If who stupid, then until nice.

Elegant Translation: When someone’s stupid, then it’s nice.

English Equivalent: Not the sharpest tool in the shed.

This is an old and strange saying which means nothing like what the words actually say. The literal meaning paints a lovely picture of a stupid person obliviously and joyfully romping through their existence. But the meaning of the idiom is more direct: you’re actually saying “you are so dense, you don’t even notice what every basic idiot sees.” If you use this, don’t forget the sarcasm!

This saying is falling out of common language nowadays. A lot of Polish speakers out there might actually use it incorrectly. How nice is it that you have a leg up?

(Also, the word “is” is understood!)

Jak = if, when, how 
Kto = who (but it’s actually shortened slang from “ktoś” meaning “someone”) [s. n. subj. form]
Głupi = stupid [adj. m. subj. form]
To = then
= until, to the point of (also sometimes used as accenting word)
Miło = nice, pleasant [adj. s. neutral subj. form]

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Julia Tutko-Balena