Episode 142: He/She/It Laughs Itself How Idiot To Cheese!
Śmieje się jak głupi do sera!
English Phonemes: “SHMYEH-yeh shyeh yahk GWOO-pee doh SEH-rah”
Literal Translation: He/She/It laughs itself how idiot to cheese!
Elegant Translation: He/She/It laughs like an idiot to cheese!
English Equivalent: To laugh inappropriately.
This is a great saying for a situation where someone laughs without a good reason. Either they don’t know what’s going on, they feel awkward, they feel nervous, or a myriad of other scenarios. The end result being that they laugh without a reason. They look and sound bonkers.
Extra bonus usage case: If you find yourself in a scenario where someone says “Say cheese” before taking a picture, your sweet come-back could be “jak głupi do sera” and I guarantee any Polish speakers in the group will laugh outright. :-)
Śmieje = he/she/it laughs or is laughing [verb, 3rd p. s., present tense]
Się = himself/herself/itself [reflective helper word]
Jak = how, like
Głupi = idiot, stupid person [noun, masc. s. subj. form]
Do = to [preposition]
Sera = cheese [noun, masc. s. obj. form]
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