Episode 123: Maybe To Me Itself It Will Succeed!

Może Mi Się Uda

English Phonemes: “MOH-[ż]eh mee shyeh OO-dah”

Literal Translation: Maybe to me itself it will succeed. 

Elegant Translation: Maybe it will succeed for me.

English Equivalent: I hope this works!

This is a phrase I use often. When I’m attempting to do something, big or small, with no guarantee of success, sometimes I mutter this under my breath the same way we might say “you never know” or “let’s see if this works” or “here goes nothing” or “I hope this works” in English. 

It’s a nifty little hopeful phrase. Enjoy!

Może = maybe
Mi = (to) me [singular obj. form]
Się = himself/herself/itself [reflective helper word]
Uda = it will succeed [future tense 3rd p. singular]

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Julia Tutko-Balena