Episode 124: How To Him/Her/Them Itself It Did Succeed!

Ale Mu/Jej/Im Się Udało

English Phonemes: “AH-leh moo yehy eem shyeh oo-DAH-woh”

Literal Translation: How to him/her/them itself it did succeed.

Elegant Translation: How did that work out for him/her/them.

English Equivalent: Well, that worked out!

Bouncing off of last week’s episode, this is a good phrase for you to describe something working out for someone in the past. It could be applied to a recent event or something long past.

Fun Reminder: The verb “uda” is very seldom seen not in the 3rd person singular form. It’s mostly used, in fact, in this type of context. If I want to say “I succeeded” at something, that thought is usually constructed in the form of “it succeeded for me”, which is kind of neat for those of us who subconsciously respond to having a hint of Destiny’s hand in our various doings.

I also wanted to present you with options for people for whom something worked out. So below, you’ll have a write up of how to say this for “him”, “her”, and “them”. (Hopefully you remember from last week’s episode that “me” would just be “mi” in Polish.)


Ale = how, but [depending on intonation]
Mu = (to) him [slang, shortened from ‘jemu’, the obj. form of ‘on’ = he]
Jej = (to) her [obj. form of ‘ona’ = she]
Im = (to) them [obj. form of ‘oni’ = they]
Się = itself [reflective helper word]
Udało = it succeeded [past tense, 3rd p. singular]

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Julia Tutko-Balena