Episode 101: Saturday Longer From Sunday!
Sobota dłuższa od niedzieli.
English Phonemes: “soh-BOH-tah DWOO[Ż]-[sz]ah ohd nyeh-JYEH-lee”
Literal Translation: Saturday longer from Sunday.
Elegant Translation: Saturday is longer than Sunday.
This is a hilarious way to tell someone that their undershirt is poking out below their top layer. (Coat, sweater, over-shirt, whatever.) That’s it! Just a funny colloquialism.
It’s pretty old and sort of out of use nowadays, especially when fashion trends made it cool (temporarily?) to have under-shirts poking out from the bottom of over-shirts. But you can still use it to draw attention, and probably get a laugh out of the unsuspecting party :-)
It’s also a slight reference to an even older saying that Saturday was shorter than Sunday. When Sunday used to be a culturally mandated day of rest, people would rush to do everything they had to do on Saturday, so even though the hours are the same, a Saturday always felt shorter. So today’s phrase originally stemmed from this even older joke.
Sobota = Saturday [fem. s. noun, subj. form]
Dłuższa = longer [fem. s. adj., subj. form]
Od = From [preposition]
Niedzieli = Sunday [fem. s. noun, obj. form]
PS: Fun Fact — days of the week, seasons, and months are written in Polish without being capitalized. Time nouns are regular nouns in Polish, whereas they are Proper Nouns in English.
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