Episode 155: To Hang On Someone Dogs!

Powiesić na kimś psy.

English Phonemes: “poh-VYEH-sheech nah keemsh psih”

Literal Translation: To hang on someone dogs.

Elegant Translation: To hang dogs on someone.

English Equivalent: To sling mud.

Bouncing off of of last week’s lesson, we’ve got another idiom that describes and calls out good, ol’-fashioned mud-slinging. As with last week, we’re learning the infinitive form, so you have more flexibility of use without worrying about grammar applicable to only one situation.

A special note about grammar here: Last week we saw the object form of someone is “kogoś” and today we’re seeing “kimś”, so you have every right to ask the question: What gives? 

As I’ve mentioned only a couple times before, Polish grammar is more complex than I teach on the show. If you want to learn about Nominative, Dative, Genitive, Accusative, Vocative, and so on, that level of detail is covered in a comprehensive language course. I’m trying to keep it short and sweet, so as well as translating the words into English, I’m also drawing quick parallels to English grammar. In English, we have sentence subjects and objects, (and even that’s a bit reductive), so that’s how I translate my lessons to keep them light and consumable in 5 minutes. 

Let me know if you ever want a special Megasode or Video about the bigger nitty gritty. In the kogoś/kimś example here, I could discuss how the idea of mixing someone in mud needs a different part of speech than hanging dogs *on* someone, because effectively, Polish grammar recognizes that those activities USE that “someone” object in different ways, and the way the word looks reflects that. 

Anyway, special note over.


Powiesić = to hang [verb, infinitive]
Na = on/onto [preposition]
Kimś = someone [noun, masc. s. obj. form]
Psy = dogs [noun, masc. pl. obj. form]

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Julia Tutko-Balena