Episode 154: To Mix Someone With Mud!

Zmieszać kogoś z błotem.

English Phonemes: “ZMYEH-[sz]ahch KOH-gohsh z BWOH-tehm”

Literal Translation: To mix someone with mud.

Elegant Translation: To coat/cover someone in mud.

English Equivalent: To sling mud. 

A Pole won’t take you apart – he’ll mix you with mud or hang dogs on you (next week’s episode). 

This week, instead of guessing at scenarios, I wanted to teach you the most generic way to say this so you could repeat it in any number of scenarios where someone is slinging mud at someone else. For the lack of specificity, you’re gaining flexibility. I trust your judgement!

Zmieszać = to mix [infinitive]
Kogoś = someone [noun, masc. s. obj. form]
Z = with [preposition]
Błotem = mud [noun, neut. s. obj. form]

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Julia Tutko-Balena