Episode 148: Not You Stuff Me Into Bottle!
Nie nabijaj mnie w butelkę.
English Phonemes: “nyeh nah-BEE-yahy mnyeh v boo-TEHL-k[ę]”
Literal Translation: Not you stuff me into bottle!
Elegant Translation: Don’t stuff me into a bottle!
English Equivalent: Stop pulling my leg.
This is the perfect Polish phrase to encompass the mischief of trying to pull a fast one on someone or in any way trying to pull someone’s leg.
Nie = not/no [negating word]
Nabijaj = (you) stuff [verb, s. imperative, informal]
Mnie = me [obj. form]
W = into/in [preposition]
Butelkę = bottle [noun, fem. s. obj. form]
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