Episode 136: Oh How I Brewed Beer!
Ale naważyłem/naważyłam piwa!
English Phonemes: “AH-leh nah-vah-[Ż]IH-wehm(wahm) PEE-vah”
Literal Translation: Oh how I brewed beer!
Elegant Translation: Wow, did I brew some beer!
English Equivalent: Mess things up.
This is a funny way to say you messed things up. Other analogous English phrases include “poked the bear” or “stepped in it”. The phrase is a bit old, but it’s still very much in use!
This is very similar to Episode 91, from last year, where we learned “Ale narobiłem/narobiłam bigosu!” meaning Wow, did I make the cabbage stew! That lesson’s phrase is very similar in meaning. Give it a listen!
Ale = how, what, but [interjection word]
Naważyłem/Naważyłam = I brewed [1st p. s., past. Use ‘-em’ if you are male, ‘-am’ if you are female]
Piwa = beer [s. obj. form of ‘piwo’]
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