Episode 135: To Look For Hole In Whole!

Szukać dziury w całym.

English Phonemes: “[SZ]OO-kahch JYOO-rih v TSAH-wihm”

Literal Translation: To look for hole in whole.

Elegant Translation: To look for a hole in the whole.

English Equivalent: Nit-pick. Fault-find. 

This phrase is used to say someone is looking for flaws where there are none. 

I’ll discuss in this episode how you can modify this phrase to better fit your situation, but in essence, you can use this phrase as-is anywhere and be completely correct. 


Szukać = to look for, to seek [infinitive of the verb]
Dziury = a hole [s. f. obj. form]
W = in, inside of [preposition]
Całym = a whole [masc. s. obj. form]

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Julia Tutko-Balena