Episode 133: That One Is Without Conscience!

Tamten/tamta jest bez sumienia.

English Phonemes: “TAHM-ten/TAHM-tah nyeh mah soo-MYEH-nyah”

Literal Translation: That one is without conscience.

Elegant Translation: That person has no conscience. 

English Equivalent: They are without conscience.

This is a nice phrase to use to call out that someone did something unconscionable. The words tamten and tamta both mean that (tam) this (ten or ta), but it’s based on the gender of the person you are referring to. (See notes below.)

You can use it as a joke or in serious situations. Your call.


Tamten/Tamta = that-this (that one) [s. masc./fem., subj. form]
Jest = he/she/it is [3rd. p. s.]
Bez = without [preposition]
Sumienia = conscience [s. obj. form]

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Julia Tutko-Balena