Episode 113: You Are Stuffing Me Into Bottle!

Nabijasz mnie w butelkę!

English Phonemes: “nah-BEE-yah[sz] mnyeh v boo-TEHL-keh”
Literal Translation: You are stuffing me into bottle.
Elegant Translation: You are stuffing me into a bottle.
English Equivalent: You’re pulling my leg.

Similar to Episode 110, this phrase has to do with not falling for anyone’s tricks! This phrase can be used to convey that you know someone is trying to have some fun with you. 

Nabijasz = you are stuffing/shoving/loading [s. 2nd p. informal]
Mnie = me [s. obj. form]
W = into [preposition]
Butelkę = bottle [s. obj. form]

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Julia Tutko-Balena