Episode 112: Match Into Four, Half Liter Into Once!

Zapałkę na cztery, pół litra na raz.

English Phonemes: “zah-POW-keh nah [CZ]TEH-rih poow LEE-trah nah rahs”
Literal Translation: Match into four, half liter into once.
Elegant Translation: A match into fourths but half a liter at once.
English Equivalent: To go beyond is as wrong as to fall short. (Confucius)

This is a funny, glib phrase that describes when a person does too much of one thing but not enough of another — sometimes even resulting in counteracting actions and contradictory behavior.

Be careful not to sound judge-y when you use this one!

Zapałkę = match [s. f. obj. form]
Na = into, on [preposition]
Cztery = four 
Pół = half
Litra = liter [s. f. obj. form]
Na = into, on [preposition]
Raz = once

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Julia Tutko-Balena