Episode 110: Not Take Me Under Hair!

Nie bierz mnie pod włos! 

English Phonemes: “nyeh byeh[sz] mnyeh pohd vwohs”

Literal Translation: Not take me under hair!

Elegant Translation: Don’t take me under the hair!

English Equivalent: I’m not buying what you’re selling!

This phrase is a great way to tell someone that you’re not falling for any of their tricks!

The reference to hair doesn’t mean someone is trying to work their way under your scalp. To say “pod włos” means more about going AGAINST the grain, not physically under it. Going against the direction of how hair grows is uncomfortable and irritating, as any pet owner can tell you. Very similar to the feeling that you get when you know someone is trying to trick you. So let them know you’re not having it!

Nie = not, no
Bierz = take [imperative, s. informal]
Mnie = me [obj. form]
Pod = under [preposition]
Włos = hair [s. obj. form]

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Julia Tutko-Balena