Episode 109: One Can To Jump!

Można podskoczyć!

English Phonemes: “MOH[Ż]-nah pod-SKOH-[cz]ich”
Literal Translation: One can to jump.
Elegant Translation: One can jump!

This phrase can be — with equal validity — used in the literal sense, or in the colloquial sense. 

Literally, it means what it says: whatever physical distance you’re looking to jump up or over, it is possible to hop up and/or over the obstacle. 

Colloquially, it means that you can allow yourself something special - that you have the means for an indulgence of some kind. It isn’t limited to just being about money. The meaning is more about having a bit of wiggle room to allow yourself a treat you normally wouldn’t have been able to justify. 

Można = one can, it is possible [defective verb]
Podskoczyć = to jump up, to hop [inf.]

More on “można”: https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/mo%C5%BCna

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Julia Tutko-Balena