Episode 106: Turn Away Self From Price!

Odwróć się od ceny.

English Phonemes: “OHD-vrooch shyeh ohd TSEH-nih”
Literal Translation: Turn away self from price.
Elegant Translation: Turn yourself away from the price.
English Equivalent: Try not to think about the price.

‘Tis the season for questionable shopping decisions and overspending! Although this is not a saying in Polish, it’s a useful and funny phrase, especially for this time of year! So if you’re out shopping with Polish-speaking friends and family and you maybe stumble on something tempting but expensive, you can drop this in conversation to shock and amaze — whether or not you actually buy the coveted item :-)

Odwróć = turn away [imperative, instructing a ‘you’ singular, informal]
Się = (your)self [reflective helper word]
Od = from [preposition]
Ceny = price [singular, obj. form]

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Julia Tutko-Balena