Episode 99: Everyone Plows How Is Able!

Każdy orze jak może.

English Phonemes: “KAH[Ż]-dih OH-[rz]Eh yahk MOH-[ż]eh”

Literal Translation: Everyone plows how is able

Elegant Translation: Everyone plows however they can

English Equivalent: We do what we can.

This is a fun phrase. It definitely draws from Poland’s agricultural roots. The witticism basically means that the maximum each of us can ever do is to do our very best, whatever form that takes.

Picture a farmer with two horses. That person can plow quite a lot of land rather quickly. If that same farmer only has one horse, it’s harder. If they have no horse, that’s far more limiting, but maybe they might get a strong friend to pull the plow with them. And if they have no strong friends that can help, then it’s just a single farmer manning a plow on a field doing the best they can with what they have. 

This quip is very popular. Everyone knows it quite well. So if you’re ever in a situation with your Polish-speaking friends/family where someone is telling you about a story where they tried to reach a goal but fell short despite giving it their all, you can bust out this pearl of wisdom and look wise, compassionate, AND impressive, all in one fell swoop!

Każdy = everyone [s. subj. form]
Orze =  he/she/it plows (is plowing) [3rd p. s. present tense]
Jak = how 
Może = he/she/it is able, can [3rd p. s. present tense]

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Julia Tutko-Balena