Episode 164: It Pours Like From Bucket!

Leje jak z cebra!

English Phonemes: “LEH-yeh yahk z TSEH-brah”

Literal Translation: It pours like from bucket.

Elegant Translation: It’s pouring like from a bucket.

English Equivalent: It’s raining cats and dogs.

This is a colloquialism very similar to the English equivalent. You use it the same way. When it’s really raining hard, you can imagine that it’s not far from a waterfall like stream you’d get from pouring water directly out of a bucket.

So the next time you’re hanging out with a Polish-speaking friend or family member, and you get caught in an absolute deluge outside, you can delight them by busting this little number out :-)

Leje = he/she/it pours [verb, 3rd p. s. present tense]
Jak = like, how [depending on context]
Z = from [preposition]
Cebra = bucket, pail [noun, masc. obj. form]

Also: Please note the pre-show announcement!! “How You Say?” will be taking a 2-month break because your illustrious host with the most is about to deliver a baby! Feel free to follow us on Twitter for updates, but other than that, new shows will be back in July or August! Thanks and hugs!

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Julia Tutko-Balena