Episode 128: When Dog Barks Then Not Bites!
Kiedy pies szczeka to nie gryzie.
English Phonemes: “KYEH-dih pyehs [SZ][CZ]EH-kah toh nyeh GRIH-[ź]yeh”
Literal Translation: When dog barks then not bites.
Elegant Translation: When a dog is barking, it’s not biting.
This is a funny phrase to say that that if someone is busy being loud, they don’t have time or energy to do much else. Including thinking, listening, hitting, anything. Wise words!
Kiedy = when
Pies = dog [s. masc. noun, subj. form]
Szczeka = he/she/it barks or is barking [3rd. p. sing. verb, present tense]
To = then, this [depending on context]
Nie = not, no [negates whatever comes after]
Gryzie = he/she/it bites or is biting [3rd. p. sing. verb, present tense]
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