Episode 119: Slide Down From Of Here!

Zjeżdżaj z tąd!

English Phonemes: “ZYEH[Ż]-d[ż]ahy s t[ą]t”

Literal Translation: Slide down from of here!

Elegant Translation: Slide down away from here!

English Equivalent: Get out of here!

Another charming way to tell someone to beat it! We figured that in the era of social distancing, if you find yourself in Polish-speaking company with someone who isn’t respecting your safety boundaries, you now have a fun way to do something about it. 

Stay safe, everyone!

Zjeżdżaj = slide down [imperative singular informal]
Z = from [preposition]
Tąd = of here [prepositional obj. form of ‘tu’ (the Polish word ‘here’)]

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Julia Tutko-Balena