Episode 58: Bone Disagreement!
Kość Niezgody
English Phonemes: “kohshch nyehz-GOH-dih”
Literal Translation: Bone disagreement.
Elegant Translation: Bone of disagreement.
English Equivalent: Bone of contention.
Listener Deborah asked for a Polish equivalent of the English phrase “bone of contention”. Glad to help!
Usage Cases:
Standalone -
A to kość niezgody!
Literal translation: Oh this bone of disagreement!
As part of a bigger sentence -
…staje kością niezgody…
…leży kością niezgody…
Example Sentence:
>>Ta kłótnia o nie oddane pieniądze leżała kością niezgody między nimi.<<
Literal [almost] translation: This argument about not returned money lay [as a] bone [of] contention between them.
Kość = bone [subject form, singular]
Niezgody = disagreement [object form, singular, preposition ‘of’ is understood]
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