Episode 153: If Not You Are Able, Not Shove Self Onto Poster!

Episode 153: If Not You Are Able, Not Shove Self Onto Poster!
Julia Tutko-Balena

Jeśli nie potrafisz nie pchaj się na afisz.

English Phonemes: “YEHSH-lee nyeh poh-TRAH-fee[sz] nyeh phahj shyeh nah AH-fee[sz]”

Literal Translation: If not you are able, not shove self onto poster.

Elegant Translation: If you’re not able, don’t push yourself onto the poster.

English Equivalent: Have you got the skills to pay the bills?

This is a hilarious phrase. You’re basically saying, if you haven’t got what it takes, don’t get on the stage. The “poster” in the phrase specifically refers to an advertisement for a show (or film, in the modern sense). 

Other equivalent phrases include:
“If you can’t handle the heat, get out of the kitchen.”
“Those who can, do. Those who can’t, teach.”

The voice and tone of this phrase is 100% informal, definitely don’t use this with someone you have a more distant or professional relationship with. Even if you frame it as “well, you know what they say…” and then use that phrase, unless you know the person, you might accidentally insult them.

For friends/family, however, this is hilarious. And deployed skillfully, it could even be a bit of wisdom as well as a playful jab.

= if
Nie = not, no [negates what comes next]
Potrafisz = you are able [verb, 2nd p. s. present tense]
Pchaj = shove, push [verb, 2nd p. s. present tense - also the imperative instructive form]
Się = self [reflective helper word]
Na = on, onto [preposition]
Afisz = poster [noun, masc. s. obj. form]

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Julia Tutko-Balena